My Own Programs
My Own Programs

Base Converter
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Convert bases HEX, BIN, OCT and DEC.

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This program show 25 random biblical texts.

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Solve P/A, P/G, A/P,A/F, F/A, etc.

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Tutorial with 60 programs in USER RPL.
It explains FOR NEXT, INPUT OBJECT ,CHOOSE, INFORM, animations...

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Calculate XG,YG,IG and area of 18 plain bodies.

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A program that interpolate points in a function. It solves Linear Fit, Power Fit, Log Fit, Exponential Fit , Least Square of 2nd and 3rd degree.

Read Bible
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Show the day of the week and suggests a reading of the Bible
according to the day.

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Tutorial with 15 programs in USER RPL, showing the syntax of INFORM, CHOOSE, INPUT OBJ, DISP WAIT, etc.